As you may have guessd by all the cakes pictured on this blog and subsequently gifted to me, I turned a year older a few weeks ago. Aside from the cakes, Elissa also gifted me a Tree Oyster Mushroom Mini-Farm. Yea I said it. Mushroom. Mini. Farm.
It is so cool.
It was procured at Far West Fungi at the Ferry Building in San Francisco where we had a choice of either Tree Oyster or Shitake mushrooms. I choose Oyster. My farm came in a large plastic bag which ties at the top and leave is to be left on a countertop out of direct sunlight. In two weeks I had about 5 clumps of the most flavorful and tender Oyster Mushrooms a girl could ask for.
The Far West folks say that they “guarantee your first crop. If you follow the instructions the Mini-Farm may produce 3-4 harvests, but each Mini-Farm is hand crafted and can have different results.” I am currently awaiting the second crop, and am thinking about sauteing them with some broccoli raab and tossing it with porcini pasta from Phoenix Pastificio. But, I guess that'll be a post for another time.
Warm Far West Fungi Oyster Mushroom and Garbanzo Salad
1/4 to 1/2 lbs oyster mushrooms, cleaned and sliced
1/2 lb fresh garbanzo beans, shelled and blanched (canned ones are fine, just drain and rinse them)
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tbsp lemon thyme (regular thyme is just fine)
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
In a large skillet head olive oil until hot but not smoking. (Oil will be shimmery and will show dimples when you tilt the pan). Add sliced mushrooms and toss to coat with oil. Cook until tender and browned along edges. Add garlic and garbanzos. Toss until combined and cook until the garbanzos are warmed through. Salt and Pepper to taste. Add lemon thyme to finish. Serve warm.
I got Shitake from my friend... WOW. It's huge... will post it in my blog soon.